# Author: Guilherme Aldeia
# Contact: guilherme.aldeia@ufabc.edu.br
# Version: 1.0.4
# Last modified: 08-29-2021 by Guilherme Aldeia
"""Specialization of the base class BaseITEA for the classification task.
from sklearn.base import RegressorMixin
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_X_y, check_array, check_is_fitted
from itea._base import BaseITEA
from itea.regression import ITExpr_regressor
[docs]class ITEA_regressor(BaseITEA, RegressorMixin):
"""This is the implementation of the ITEA for the regression task.
The expressions will have their coefficients adjusted by means of the
scikit's linearRegression method. The fitness will be measured using
the RMSE metric (smaller is better).
Notice that this method does not have the ``estimator_kw`` as there is
in the ``ITEA_classifier``.
def __init__(self, *,
gens = 100,
popsize = 100,
tfuncs = {'id': lambda x: x},
tfuncs_dx = None,
expolim = (-2, 2),
max_terms = 5,
fitness_f = None,
simplify_method = None,
random_state = None,
verbose = None,
labels = [],
"""Constructor method.
gens : int, default=100
number of generations of the evolutionary process.
popsize : int, default=100
population size, consistent through each generation.
expolim : tuple (int, int), default = (-2, 2)
tuple specifying the bounds of exponents for ITExpr.
max_terms : int, default=5
the max number of IT terms allowed.
fitness_f : string or None, default='rmse'
String with the method to evaluate the fitness of the expressions.
Can be one of ``['rmse', 'mse', 'r2']``. If none is given, then
the rmse function will be used.
simplify_method : string or None, default=None
String with the name of the simplification method to be used
before fitting expressions through the evolutionary process.
When set to None, the simplification step is disabled.
Simplification can impact performance. To be simplified, the
expression must be previously fitted. After the simplification, if
the expression was changed, it should be fitted again to better
adjust the coefficients and intercept to the new IT expressions'
random_state : int, None or numpy.random_state, default=None
int or numpy random state. When None, a random state instance
will be created and used.
verbose : int, None or False, default=None
When verbose is None, False or 0, the algorithm
will not print information. If verbose is an integer
``n``, then every ``n`` generations the algorithm will
print the status of the generation. If verbose is set
to -1, every generation will print information.
labels : list of strings, default=[]
(``ITExpr`` parameter) list containing the labels of the
data that will be used in the evolutionary process, and
will be used in ``ITExpr`` constructors.
tfuncs : dict, default={'id': lambda x: x}
(``ITExpr`` parameter) transformations functions. Should always
be a dict where the keys are the names of the transformation
functions and the values are unary vectorized functions.
tfuncs_dx : dict, default=None
(ITExpr_explainer parameter) derivatives of the
given transformations functions, the same scheme.
When set to None, the itea package will use automatic
differentiation through jax to create the derivatives.
bestsol_ : ITExpr_regressor
an ITExpr expression used as it is (linear combination of IT terms).
fitness_ : float
fitness (RMSE) of the final expression.
convergence_ : dict
two nested dictionaries. The outer have the keys
``['fitness', 'n_terms', 'complexity']``, and the inner
have ``['min', 'mean', 'std', 'max']``. Each value of the inner
dictionary (for example itea.convergence_['fitness']['min'])
is a list, containing the information of every generation.
This dictionary can be used to inspect information about the
convergence of the evolutionary process. The calculations are made
filtering infinity values.
exectime_ : int
time (in seconds) the evolutionary process took.
super(ITEA_regressor, self).__init__(
gens = gens,
popsize = popsize,
tfuncs = tfuncs,
tfuncs_dx = tfuncs_dx,
expolim = expolim,
max_terms = max_terms,
simplify_method = simplify_method,
random_state = random_state,
verbose = verbose,
predictor_kw = {},
labels = labels)
self.itexpr_class = ITExpr_regressor
# BaseITEA sets this value to None. Here we overwrite the original
# value with the value specific for the task (regression/classification)
self.fitness_f = fitness_f
def _check_args(self, X, y):
"""Argument verifications to be called before starting the evolutionary
Since there is no logic on the constructor, and dealing with a
population of expressions makes the check infeasible within ITExpr
methods, the check should be performed before the evolution.
Should interrupt the program flow if any problem is found.
super()._check_args(X, y)
if self.fitness_f is not None:
if self.fitness_f not in ['rmse', 'mse', 'r2']:
raise ValueError('Unknown fitness function for the regression '
'task. The value you have passed for the attribute '
f'fitness_f is {self.fitness_f}, expected one of '
'["rmse", "mse", "r2"]')
[docs] def fit(self, X, y):
"""Performs the evolutionary process.
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
training data. Should be a matrix of float values.
y : array-like of shape (n_samples, )
expected values.
self : ITEA_regressor
itea after performing the evolution.
Only after fitting the model that the attributes ``bestsol_`` and
``fitness_`` will be available.
If one or more arguments would result in an invalid execution
of itea.
# numpy power method only works with negative exponents if the X
# values are floats
X, y = check_X_y(X, y, dtype='float64')
self._check_args(X, y)
if self.fitness_f in ['r2']:
self._greater_is_better = True
self._greater_is_better = False
self.bestsol_ = self._evolve(
X, y, self.itexpr_class, self._greater_is_better)
self.fitness_ = self.bestsol_._fitness
self._explain_bestsol(self.bestsol_, X, y)
return self
[docs] def predict(self, X):
"""Predicts the response value for each sample in X.
X : array-like of shape (n_samples, n_features)
samples to be predicted. Must be a two-dimensional array.
p : numpy.array of shape (n_samples, )
predicted response value for each sample.
X = check_array(X)
return self.bestsol_.predict(X)