
There is two types of releases that you can install: official releases and under-development-but-latest releases.

The documentation is always up to date to the latest releases, but this releases are only pushed to PyPi when enough testing, profilling and code coverage increase is done.

Official releases

All official releases are uploaded in PyPi. To install via pip, simply run:

python -m pip install itea

Latest releases

The latest releases are always committed to GitHub before more intensively tested to be released on PyPi. To install, just download the GitHub repository (itea-python GitHub page) and run (on the root):

python -m pip install .

Minimal examples

Before jumping into using the library, here are some tips and examples that might make it easier to use.

ITEA can be used for regression (with the ITEA_regressor class) or for classification (ITEA_classifier). Both classes inherit from base classes in the scikit-learn library, and implement very similar methods. The simplest use is to create an instance and use the fit method.

Fitting an estimator

from sklearn import datasets

# Loading regression data and fitting an ITEA regressor
from itea.regression import ITEA_regressor

housing_data = datasets.fetch_california_housing()
X_reg, y_reg = housing_data['data'], housing_data['target']
labels       = housing_data['feature_names']

reg = ITEA_regressor(labels=labels).fit(X_reg, y_reg)

# loading classification data and fitting an ITEA classifier
from itea.classification import ITEA_classifier

iris_data      = datasets.load_iris()
X_clf, targets = iris_data['data'], iris_data['target']

clf = ITEA_classifier().fit(X_clf, targets)

The convention is to always pass arguments by name for all that are not mandatory and have default values ​​defined. To specify a setting other than the default, we must pass the arguments by name:

reg = ITEA_regressor(gens=50, popsize=200).fit(X_reg, y_reg)

# the line below does not work
reg = ITEA_regressor(50, 200).fit(X_reg, y_reg)

The documentation presents the default values ​​for each algorithm, with exaplanations of what they represent.

Using the final Symbolic Expression to make predictions

After performing the evolution (fitting the ITEA), the best symbolic expression can be accessed by the bestsol_ attribute. The best expression is an already fitted sckit estimator. The bestsol_ is used to predict, calculate the score, print the expression, and to obtain interpretability with model-agnostic (or the model-specific ITExpr_explainer) explainers.

The ITEA instance implements the predict method, but essentially it just uses bestsol’s predict.

final_itexpr = reg.bestsol_

# Returns the predictions for every observation

# yields the same result as the previous line

# Will print the expression as string.

The last line will print the expression:

9.924*log(MedInc^2 * AveBedrms * Longitude^2) +
7.982*log(MedInc * HouseAge * AveRooms * AveOccup^2 * Longitude^2) +
-9.092*log(HouseAge * AveRooms * AveBedrms * AveOccup^2 * Latitude * Longitude^2) +
0.702*log(HouseAge^2 * AveBedrms * AveOccup^2 * Latitude^2 * Longitude^2) +
-25.846*log(MedInc) +

Explaining an IT expression

The ITEA Package also implements some classes focused on interpretability, providing mechanisms to inspect and better understand the returned symbolic expressions. We can obtain importance values ​​from expression attributes and even generate graphs:

explainer = ITExpr_explainer(
    itexpr=final_itexpr, tfuncs=reg.tfuncs).fit(X_reg, y_reg)


Explainers do not inherit any scikit interfaces, but implements a similar usage. So, the steps to use the explainers are: 1. Instanciate the explainer; 2. Fit; 3. Generate the plots.

That said, if you’re familiar with scikit’s ecosystem of regressors and classifiers, you’ll have no problem using ITEA and its explainers.