Source code for itea.inspection._ITExpr_texifier

# Author:  Guilherme Aldeia
# Contact:
# Version: 1.0.2
# Last modified: 06-09-2021 by Guilherme Aldeia

"""ITExpr_texifier class.

import numpy as np

[docs]class ITExpr_texifier: """class containing static methods to create LaTeX representations of the expression. """ @staticmethod def _term_frac(term): """Method that takes an array of exponents and return a string containing a latex frac with placeholders on the name of the variables. """ fi, ti = term if np.all(ti == 0): return f'{fi}(1.0)' num = r' \cdot '.join( [fr'var_placeholder_{i}^{ {e} }' for i, e in enumerate(ti) if e>0] ).replace(r'^{1}', '') den = r' \cdot '.join( [fr'var_placeholder_{i}^{ {-e} }' for i, e in enumerate(ti) if e<0] ).replace(r'^{1}', '') if len(den)==0: return f'{fi}({num})' elif len(num)==0: return f'{fi}(' + r'\frac{1}{' + den + r'})' else: return f'{fi}(' + r'\frac{' + num + '}{' + den + r'})'
[docs] @staticmethod def to_latex( itexpr, term_separator=' + ', term_wrapper=None): r"""Static method that takes an instance of an ``ITExpr`` and returns a latex representation of the expression. Parameters ---------- itexpr : ITExpr_classifier or ITExpr_regressor an instance of itexpr to be texified. term_separator : string, default=' + ' string to be used to concatenate each term. term_wrapper : None or Callable, default=None a function that takes two arguments: ``i`` the index of the term and ``term`` the term itself, and returns a string. This can be used to add special formatting to the terms. Examples are: - ``lambda i, term: r'\underbrace{'+term+r'} _{\text{term '+str(i)+'}}'`` to add a underbracket with the index of the term; - ``lambda i, term: term`` to do nothing; When set to None, then the latter expression will be used. Returns ------- itexpr_latex : string latex expression representing the given itexpr. """ if term_wrapper== None: term_wrapper = lambda i, term: term latex_terms = [] for i, term in enumerate(itexpr.expr): latex_terms.append(term_wrapper( i, f'\\beta_{i} \\cdot {ITExpr_texifier._term_frac(term)}' )) str_it = term_separator.join(latex_terms) if len(itexpr.labels)>0: for i, l in enumerate(itexpr.labels): str_it = str_it.replace(f"var_placeholder_{i}", l) else: str_it = str_it.replace(f"var_placeholder_", "x") return str_it + ' + I_0'
[docs] @staticmethod def derivatives_to_latex( itexpr, term_separator=' + ', term_wrapper=None): r"""Static method that takes an instance of an ``ITExpr`` and returns a list containing a latex representation of each partial derivative of the expression. Parameters ---------- itexpr : ITExpr_classifier or ITExpr_regressor an instance of itexpr to be texified. term_separator : string, default=' + ' string to be used to concatenate each term. term_wrapper : None or Callable, default=None a function that takes two arguments: ``i`` the index of the term and ``term`` the term itself, and returns a string. This can be used to add special formatations to the terms. Examples are: - ``lambda i, term: r'\underbrace{'+term+r'} _{\text{term '+str(i)+'}}'`` to add a underbracket with the index of the term; - ``lambda i, term: term`` to do nothing; When set to None, then the latter expression will be used. Returns ------- itexpr_latexs : list[string] list of strings, where each string is a latex representation of the partial derivative of the given itexpr. """ if term_wrapper== None: term_wrapper = lambda i, term: term # number of variables is the length of any exponent array n_vars = len(itexpr.expr[0][1]) latex_derivatives = [] for j in range(n_vars): latex_terms = [] for i, term in enumerate(itexpr.expr): fi, ti = term term_dx = ti.copy() term_dx[j] -= 1 # Chain rule inner_dx = ITExpr_texifier._term_frac( ('', term_dx) ) outer_dx = ITExpr_texifier._term_frac( (f'{fi}\'', ti)) if ti[j] != 0: latex_terms.append(term_wrapper( i, f'{ti[j]}\\beta_{i} \\cdot {outer_dx}{inner_dx}' )) if len(latex_terms) > 0: str_it = term_separator.join(latex_terms) else: str_it = '0.0' if len(itexpr.labels)>0: for i, l in enumerate(itexpr.labels): str_it = str_it.replace(f"var_placeholder_{i}", l) else: str_it = str_it.replace(f"var_placeholder_", "x") latex_derivatives.append(str_it) return latex_derivatives